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The C Word is Banned at Horizon Property Alliance and We Refuse to Participate in a Recession.

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Beat the Bank, Position Yourself to Pounce

Are you Ready to cash in or cash out ?
Find out how to take advantage of a Black Swan Event!

Join us on 25 March at the Alex Surf Club

Michael Knights, CEO, Horizon Property Alliance
Click to Learn about Mike’s ups and downs through several booms and busts and his 30 property portfolio.

We at Horizon Property Alliance Refuse to Participant in a Recession, instead, we see the current state of the market as possibly the best buying opportunity since the bottom of the GFC. 

The C word continues to rattle investment markets as the number of new cases outside China rises, creating increased uncertainty over the impact on economic activity. We’ve seen travel restricted all over the world, and “Self Isolation” is a term that we’ve all come to know over a space of days.

The Horizon Team are Banned from using “the C word”. 

We have a positive mindset – our friends and investors are gearing up to take advantage of the current state of play. Opportunities are abundant if you know where to look and how to get them. Learn more about it here.

2020 is going to be the biggest year of change in a long time, It’s up to you which direction that goes. It’s important not to make long term long game investment decisions based on sensational news reporting – don’t follow the sheep and jump of the cliff mentally  – from a property perspective a Black Swan event like “the C word” come and go in a relatively short time frame. Whether it be 6 weeks or 6 months, things will improve. They always do.

The significant crash in the Australian stock market has taken us back to levels not much better than it’s high just before the GFC in 2008 (or worse). It may not be done falling yet, yet in the 10-12 years since the GFC the value of well located properties around Australia has as much as doubled. It’s been up and down a few times since.

We are excited about the buying opportunities that are happening as we speak.

Panic selling is an opportunity not to be missed. When someone is in a postion that they need to sell our job is to help them out – we BUY, we WIN and the sellers can move forward. It’s a win-win for all.

For those of you who contacted me over the last couple of weeks, I congratulate you for taking action and preparing to pounce on the next opportunity when it falls in your lap. It will happen when you least expect it. It is a kind of karma thing – if you put yourself out there, things just seem to happen.

Don’t give up, stay positive and keep looking. Stick with us – we are all in this buying opportunity together. 

So What is the local Australian market ACTUALLY doing?

It is in Great shape considering that “The C Word” has given us a dose of the @$%!

I have recently Attended my  Quarterly Two-day Australian Property Mentoring sessions where we all work on our business and our life, we share experiences with other top agents and financial planners and successful developers from around Australia. We get a good scope of the market and see what is really going on.

We are in agreement the current Market is hot and the 2 plus year slump in Victoria and NSW is over.

The central Melbourne market has been experiencing record sales – many suburb’s prices are at historical highs. Melbourne agents are getting mixed results, but top agents are experiencing their biggest months in 20 years. These agents are seeing multiple offers with 30 to 40 buyers viewing each one.

And the stock is selling fast. 

Overall, Sydney and it’s regional areas are strong and valuations are on the rise again – this is great news, suggesting that the slump is over. Buyers are paying a premium for properties in good locations. Anything that is in a central location is selling really quickly.

In Tasmania, boosted by migration and infrastructure the baby boomers are still pushing the market up. Retirement living and short-stay micro-units are doing well.

South Australia, Adelaide and Regions throughout is strong, lots of steady growth by investors and upsizing in trendy locations, it is an investors market looking to add value and renovate, I like South Australia but be street specific

My land agent in Western Australia has doubled her year on year record by volume in the last 6 months. The mining companies are recruiting again and vacancies are low. The WA market is a sleeping Giant worth watching. I can’t pick this market but, I’d recommend looking at the bottom price ranges of this market if you are going to invest and go for positive cashflow. When WA takes off, it will boom quickly and lower-priced rental properties will be worth a small fortune when infrastructure and the mining industry bounce back.

Darwin is still doing it tough but in my opinion, it’s time to shine is coming. For me, I have not got a lot say about the Northern Territory but hope that it follows WA.

ACT is a strong state, supported by the Government and I’m not going to share my political views other than to say that they are fertilising their back yard well. It will always be a long term steady game to buy-in. Suburb and Street specific locations.

Queensland is remaining my number one pick. Here is why it is our turn.

The last real boom in Queensland was in 2008. The GFC came along, followed by inconsistent growth over the whole state, but Qld is a big place with varied regions.  Mining towns, farming communities, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. Then there is the starkly different South-East and Central Brisbane which is very urbane in comparison. You have the far North down to Gympie. Big distances in between.

But what makes Queensland different this time is a new infrastructure Cycle that he government is about to commence. Interest rates are at their lowest, and there is a new stimulus package in support of “The C Word.

A growth spurt and a ripple effect will follow with the recovery.

The price point is now so attractive compared to VIc & NSW that a ripple effect is likely to flow north. This has already started, the stock is very tight and selling fast in many regions.

I don’t have a Crystal ball but I can say the property market in QLD is on the move and isn’t going down. It is Hot right now.

Queensland is extremely strong and has been consistent for a few years now in most places. It has continued to avoid becoming a spiking bubble market like Sydney and Melbourne. Queensland’s time to shine  has finally arrived

In my opinion, Queensland is the place to play Monopoly. Cash flow positive properties in prime locations are the key to weathering any storm or a black swan event – like “The C Word”.

Regardless of whether it’s 6 weeks or 6 months, we are in a Black Swan event and it will pass. It always does and every time we come out stronger and wiser.

For those you who are ready to take advantage of what could be another life-changing buying opportunity, let me know – we are all in this together. Call me and our HPA team.

Back by popular demand – Horizon Property Alliance Workshop.

New investors, well seasoned Investors looking to grow their portfolio, Downsizers, Property lovers, Agents & Financial Advisors – learn more about investing and how we are gearing up for the next phase in this exciting market.

Don’t forget our Alexandra Headlands property workshop on the 25th – Click here for more information.

On the night we will show you live case studies and projects we are working on. Most projects show positive cash flow returns from 6.5% to 20% net returns

Those of you who do take action and plan to be free from the negative banking demands and create a passive income will have choices and the ability to enjoy the rewards that will follow.

Mike Knights

Learn about Michael Knights here or listen to his podcast with Property Investory

25th March, Alexandra Headlands Surf Club

This is a Boom or Bust property information only workshop
Find out first hand how to position yourself for the future property market.

Get ready to pounce and find out where and why in a changing market.

Join us for an evening where you’ll learn how to make money from a changing Property Cycle.

Learn about Positive cashflow, Duplex Projects, and investing in the NDIS showing returns from 8 to 15% net

Your Picture

Learn all about it here…

Your Picture

Earn a massive 12% net return from this boutique Development. Potential  Tenants waiting and the Government pays the rent on their behalf.

From $399500 to $419500

Horizon Property Alliance

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