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How To Choose A Team Of Successful Property Investment Advisors

At Horizon Property Alliance, we  know that there is no such thing as one property that fits all.

In our opinion buying an investment property should be considered in comparison to buying a business and requires careful planning, and thorough research.

Your business needs to perform and provide growth and consistent returns through all markets. We recommend before entering into investment property transactions that it is important to meet and speak with your independent expert advisors. Therefore,  we recommend you surround yourself with a successful team of independent expert advisors prior to making a transaction.

Here is the team of experts you need:

An Accountant

The team of independent advisors should consist of an experienced accountant who believes in property as an extra income stream and wealth creation investment business. A good accountant will probably have a holistic wealth creation strategy.

Most accountants are generally very conservative. Pro-property accountants are often more liberal and open to provide you with some outside of the box safe property opinions from some of their successful and unsuccessful clients. They generally can’t give advice about property, but a good Accountant will share case studies and examples whilst in conjunction with a property expert who they like and trust. If they are a property acountant, they should be open to sharing their investment position and property experiences and goals with you.

Financial Planner

You will also need to team up with a financial planner who will look at your holistic position and will help you map out a long term safe wealth creation strategy. It’s important to choose a very successful financial planner who also has a love for property. Our preference of financial planner should be a certified financial planner licensee with a current AFSL number.  A planner with this position will often be allowed to offer you more independent advice than a typical franchised regulated financial planner.

Your financial planner should also be open to work with your accountant and make sure you are informed of the potential risks involved in investing, create the right structures and accountability with ongoing and future planning and wealth projections of your future and current position. Your financial planner should be a successful investor with a proven track record and be open to share his personal strategies and wealth creation program.

Real Estate Agent

You should engage a successful real estate agent who is a successful investor or mentor and they MUST walk the talk. The agent of your choice should be prepared to prove to you their current property wealth position and be open to share their portfolio of investments, their goals and strategies with you. This will help you decide whether the agent of your choice is worthy to be your agent and advisor.

If they are not willing to show you proof and share their goals with you, you need to re-consider who you would like to work with. As choosing your agent to help you buy a property is probably one of the most important decisions in your investment journey.

Your agent must have a complete understanding in all types of investing and be up to date with current trends and market conditions Australia wide. They must be a true property investor and be prepared to introduce you to outstanding opportunities.

Financial Broker

An independent financial broker is also required, one who has access to the best offers in the market but also must be a strong property investor who knows how to access and negotiate a great rate to suit your requirements and be open to work with your team. Ask your Financial Broker to be open to share their wealth position and real estate goals with you.


A solicitor who specialises in Property Law Contracts and Development. Your solicitor will ensure the legal contracts are fair and safe with no hidden surprises. Our preference of lawyers are normally property experts who have a property portfolio, and a complete understanding on high yielding safe investments. Lawyers normally have good relationships with property developers, builders and honest and reliable property experts.

At Horizon Property Alliance, we have built a network of highly experienced, quality independent property advisors to assist you as we help you to achieve your property investment goals, if you don’t already have your own. Talk to us today and find out how we can get you started on your path to financial freedom through property investment.

Horizon Property Alliance

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